About us


Lusaka Child Development Agency (LKCDA) is a Local Non-Governmental Organization and a Child Protection and Development Agency registered under the Registrar of Non-Governmental Organizations Act No. 16 of 2009, working for the well-being of children by supporting and implementing locally led initiatives that strengthen families and communities to have capacities that contribute to overcoming root causes of child poverty and ensuring the protection of women, youths and children’s rights. The agency works in communities of Lusaka district and implements programs in its thematic areas of child protection, health, education, livelihoods, disaster risk reduction and Sponsorship.

Lusaka Child Development Agency has been affiliated to ChildFund International

since its establishment 14 years ago.

The Agency works in partnership with ChildFund Zambia to eliminate causes of child and youth poverty, abuse and harm through undertaking projects that facilitate development in communities and has been in continuous operation since 2008. Lusaka Child Development Agency (LKCDA) promotes and secures vulnerable and marginalized youths through development of professionalism and providing them with opportunities and makes them to become prime agents of their own growth.

Our Programs

It’s our mission to help people reduce their poverty by a huge number of helpful campaigns to make it essential.

Health & Nutrition

The organization works to continuously improve women’s and adolescents’ knowledge of and access to safe healthcare and practices for themselves and their children, key activities include; Child growth monitoring; Early Childhood Development (ECD); Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH); HIV/AIDs education and prevention; improved child nutrition; and Improved maternal health. Immediate past achievements include;


The organization works with the government’s Ministry of General Education (MoGE) to create and improve existing learning spaces for children in order to the retention of teachers and learners in schools which in turn leads to effective child grade progression. Immediate past achievements include;

Youth and Livelihood

The organization works to increase knowledge, skill and confidence among youths through multiple activities including payment of tuition fees in order to increase access vocational training; entrepreneurial trainings within the established groups; funding for existing businesses and job linkages. These activities have led to improved livelihood by reducing the impact major challenges that youths face such as adverse effects of climate change on agricultural output, unemployment, poor marketing of produce and poor financial illiteracy. However with more funding more can be done. Immediate past achievements include;

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